What is Gloo Gateway?

Gloo Gateway is a feature-rich, Kubernetes-native ingress controller, and next-generation API gateway. Gloo Gateway is exceptional in its function-level routing; its support for legacy apps, microservices and serverless; its discovery capabilities; its numerous features; and its tight integration with leading open-source projects. Gloo Gateway is uniquely designed to support hybrid applications, in which multiple technologies, architectures, protocols, and clouds can coexist.

Gloo Gateway Architecture

What makes Gloo Gateway unique?

Routing Features

Why Gloo Gateway?

Gloo Gateway makes it easy to solve your challenges of managing ingress traffic into your application architectures (not just Kubernetes) regardless of where they run. Backend services can be discovered when running or registered in Kubernetes, AWS Lambda, VMs, EC2, Consul, et. al. Please see the Gloo Gateway announcement for more on its origin.

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